Barrel Aged Gin
40% ABV / 700ml
Distilled like a gin, aged like a whisky and drinks like a rum! Time spent in an ex-pinot noir barrel gives this gin flavours and characteristics normally attributed to rums and whiskies. The result is a truly unique gin.
Flavour – Caramel, orange and vanilla accompanied by gingerbread and Christmas spices.
Serve – Best enjoyed with a dark soda, lemonade or used in cocktails.
40% ABV / 700ml
Product of Tasmania, Australia
> 2022 Silver - Melbourne International Spirits Competition
> 2022 Silver Medal - London Spirits
> 2022 Silver Medal - IWSA
Cocktail Inspiration
"Old Fashioned" Cocktail
60ml Adams Barrel Aged Gin
15ml sugar syrup
3 dashes of Angostura bitters
Dash of maraschino cherry juiceOrange peel and/or apple & maraschino cherry
1. Combine all ingredients into mixing glass
2. Mix well
3. Double strain over ice
4. Garnish with orange and/or apple & maraschino cherry